This document explains how to deploy a virtual network using SDN-WISE, Cooja, Mininet and ONOS in a Virtual Machine (VM). The target of this document is to create an integrated network controlled by ONOS where a virtual network of OpenFlow switches can communicate with the nodes of an emulated SDN-WISE wireless sensor network.
We begin by downloading Instant Contiki, installing VMWare Player, and booting up Instant Contiki. You can find more details on Contiki and Instant Contiki here.
Download Instant Contiki from here. It is a large file, just over 2GB. When downloaded, unzip the file, place the unzipped directory on the desktop. Then download and install VMWare Player from here. It is free to download. It might require a reboot of your computer, which is unfortunate but needed to get networking working.
Start Instant Contiki by running Instant_Contiki_Ubuntu_12.04_32-bit.vmx
. Wait for the virtual Ubuntu Linux boot up. Log into Instant Contiki. The password is user
Now we will download the source code for SDN-WISE, Contiki, Mininet and ONOS.
First open a new terminal window ( press Ctrl+Alt+t ). The following script will download and compile all the needed software for the tutorial.
cd && wget && sudo chmod +rx
Insert the password user
when prompted and run the script using the following command:
sudo ./
Write in the terminal:
echo "export ONOS_ROOT=~/onos" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc && source $ONOS_ROOT/tools/dev/bash_profile && cd ~/onos &&
tools/build/onos-buck build onos --show-output && tools/build/onos-buck run onos-local -- clean debug
Congratulations! You have just installed SDN-WISE, ONOS, Mininet and Contiki!
Now we will start all the downloaded softwares. After these steps your VM may run short on RAM, if this is you case please use this link to learn how to increase the RAM assigned to the VM.
Start ONOS in a new terminal:
cd ~/onos && tools/test/bin/onos localhost
Then run:
app activate org.onosproject.sdnwise
Now you can open a browser pointing to http://localhost:8181/onos/ui
(in a terminal write xdg-open http://localhost:8181/onos/ui
Input user
as user and rocks
as password.
Open a new terminal and write:
sudo mn --topo tree,depth=2,fanout=3 --controller=remote
When Mininet is started run the pingall
To start cooja write in a new terminal:
cd ~/sdn-wise-contiki/contiki/tools/cooja/ && ant run
When Cooja is started, it will show a blue empty window. Click on
Settings -> Cooja extensions...
Enlarge the left part of the window, scroll down and select
Then click on
Apply for session
Clik on File -> New simulation...
Enter as simulation name SDN-WISE
. Click the Create
Cooja brings up the new simulation. The Network window
, at the top left of the screen, shows all the motes in the simulated network - it is empty now, since we have no motes in our simulation. The Timeline window
, at the bottom of the screen, shows all communication events in the simulation over time - very handy for understanding what goes on in the network. The Mote output
window, on the right side of the screen, shows all serial port printouts from all the motes. The Notes window
on the top right is where we can put notes for our simulation. And the Simulation control window
is where we start, pause, and reload our simulation.
In this tutorial we will teach you how to add some Java emulated SDN-WISE nodes and then we will give you the details on how to use Contiki Simulated nodes. For the Java ones, let’s start by adding a Sink. Click on Motes -> Add motes -> Create new mote type -> SDN-WISE Emulated Sink...
then click on
… …and
Add motes
. Then we repeat the same commands for the other nodes of the network, but this time we choose
Motes -> Add motes -> Create new mote type -> SDN-WISE Emulated Mote...
and we add 5 motes instead of one.
In the Network window, click on View
. The following items should be selected:
Tools -> Radio messages
. A new window will appear. This window will show all the details regarding the messages sent over the Radio. We are going to use it later. Check that all the nodes can be reached by the sink, directly or by multiple hops. You can see it by clicking on a node. A green circle will appear. All the nodes inside the green area can be reached by the selected one. There is also a gray circle. This circle represents the interference area of the node. Now we will setup the simulation speed. Because we need to interact with an external controller, in the Simulation control window click on Speed limit
and select 100%
. Simulation -> Start simulation
. When prompted insert localhost:9999
as the location for the controller. Finally if you check your browser you will see that ONOS has recognized the whole network and it is now ready to route packets between the Mininet hosts and the SDN-WISE nodes.